The QC United PowerPlay Cup is an indoor adult tournament held locally in Regina, Saskatchewan. The 2022 tournament will be held September 30 - October 2, 2022 and will offer competition for the following divisions:
The registration fee is $350 per team. All division winners will earn $500 in prize money.
POWERPLAY: At any stage during the game if music is played, any goal scored in that period is worth double goals (ie. 1 goal scored in powerplay = 2 goals; 2 goals scored in powerplay = 4 goals; etc.).
Registration will open September 1st. Click HERE to register. Deadline to register is September 20, 2022.
The full tournament rules package can be found HERE.
Player Identification and Evaluation Session
QC Facility - 1560A McDonald St.
QC Club Gear - Sizing and Ordering
QC Facility - 1560A McDonald St. - QC Store
QC Store/Office Open
QC Facility - 1560A McDonald St.